
During your entire doctoral trajectory you can rely on a supervising team that consists of:

  • A directing supervisor, who has the final responsibility for your research work.
  • A specialist for academic supervision and a specialist for artistic supervision: these experts provide feedback on artistic and academic aspects of your research project.

The directing supervisor and specialists are appointed by the host university and docARTES at the beginning of the doctoral programme. Every doctoral student has one supervisor with appropriate research expertise and interests. Thanks to international collaboration docARTES can rely on a Europe-wide team of specialists covering a diverse range of musical specialisms.

Supervision involves a binding cooperation between you, your directing supervisor and specialists at all stages of the research project, from the development of the first drafts of the project until its final presentation (concerts, publication, etc.). The tasks of the directing supervisor and specialists are to monitor your research project and provide feedback. You are however responsible for the progress of your own research project.

More detailed information about supervision can be found in the Handbook.