
Juan Parra Cancino

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Started in: 2007
End date: 2014
Musician type: composer, other, stringed instrument
University: Leiden University
Personal website:
Nationality: Chile

Juan Parra Cancino studied Composition at the Catholic University of Chile and Sonology at The Royal Conservatory of The Hague. He is a member of several ensembles related to Guitar Craft, founded by Robert Fripp. Parra collaborates with artists like Richard Craig and ensemble KLANG. He is founder and member of The Electronic Hammer (computer and percussion trio) and Wiregriot (voice and electronics). He is research fellow at the Orpheus Research Centre in Music.

His docARTES doctoral defense took place on December 2, 2014 at Leiden University.


Multiple Paths: Towards a Performance Practice in Computer Music.


This research offers multiple paths towards the development of a performance practice in computer music. Some of the questions posed are the following: What is the role of the performer in electronic music? What can he/she contribute to a music practice that holds the ability to be "infinitely" precise? Can the…