
Siamak Anvari

1477039211 siamak anvari
Started in: 2016
Musician type: composer
University: Leiden University
Personal website:
Nationality: Iran

Siamak Anvari is a composer and sound artist based in The Netherlands. He was born in Tehran, Iran in 1981 and studied composition at the Art University of Tehran. He has composed many instrumental pieces for different ensembles and orchestra. After being interested in electroacoustic music, he moved to the Netherlands to study at the Institute of Sonology at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. After being awarded the best entrance examination scholarship, he entered the Master's program in Sonology at the same school and accomplished his studies under supervision of Richard Barrett and achieved his diploma with distinction. His music has been performed in Iran, Netherlands, Spain, Germany and France. He is currently research associate at the Institute of Sonology.


Materialization of Fixed Media Music: Towards Performance/Interpretation of Fixed Media Electroacoustic Music.

Started in 2016

This research essentially concentrates on the realization of fixed media electroacoustic music into aural reality, dealing with issues such as performance, interpretation, reproduction and correlation between compositional aesthetics and the performance situation. Consequently, the critical parameters (artistic and…

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