
Thomas De Baets

De Baets 2022
Started in: 2007
End date: 2012
Musician type: Music Educator
University: Leuven University
Personal website: thomasdebaets
Nationality: Belgium

Prof. dr. Thomas De Baets is Professor of Music Education at LUCA School of Arts and KU Leuven, in Belgium. He is currently the Head of the Music department at LUCA School of Arts, campus Lemmens in Leuven. He holds a Master’s degree in Music Education (Lemmensinstituut, 2005), a degree of Advanced Studies in Music Education (Lemmensinstituut, 2008), and a PhD in Music Education (KU Leuven, 2012). His main research interests are professional development, innovation, and practitioner research in music education. He has been a board member of the European Association for Music in Schools (EAS) since 2009 and was EAS President between 2019 and 2021. He serves on the editorial boards of the peer-reviewed journals Cultuur+Educatie, Music Education Research and International Journal of Music Education.

Photography: Malou Van den Heuvel.


On-the-spot Music Teaching: De Muziekleraar in Onmiddellijke Muzikale Interacties.


In dit onderzoek wordt de muzikale interacties tussen de muziekleraar en de leerlingen in het secundair onderwijs bestudeerd. Aan de basis van de studie ligt de volgende onderzoeksvraag: in hoeverre bepaalt het muzikale handelen van de muziekleraar de kwaliteit van de muzikale interactie met leerlingen?