Different Tubes

The research explores clarinet and bass clarinet preparation in a technologically up to date context and discusses the consequent transformation of the performer’s perceived and acknowledged identity.
1631781480 chiara percivati

Chiara Percivati

Keywords: clarinet and bass clarinet, instrumental preparation, human-technology relationship
Duration: Started in 2021
Period: 21st century music
Musician type: wind
Host institution: Antwerp University

Despite the triggering role that preparation had in the development of other instruments’ repertoire and technique, its use on clarinet remains, to date, infrequent, with very few examples of works conceived for the prepared instrument. Besides, an accessible and systematic study method to approach this existing repertoire and the related unorthodox techniques is still missing. The goal of this work is then twofold: stimulating artistic creation in this field and sharing knowledge on these practices.

A distinctive characteristic of this work is the choice of a “contemporary” approach to preparation, making use of digital technologies to expand the instrument and the traditional creative process. For this reason, the collaboration with the Department of Product Development of the University of Antwerp, and with composers/experts in this field, will offer the possibility of developing new instrument prototypes with the support of 3D printing technology and of the Arduino electronic prototyping platform. Research in this field will be done through the analysis of case studies (solo works for prepared clarinet or bass clarinet, from the existing repertoire or fruit of new collaborations), through a reflective diary of my daily working practice and activity, and through the development and validation of a specific technical training.