Bárbara Varassi Pega publishes The Art of Tango, the re-work of her doctoral dissertation

Geplaatst op 02 apr. 2021

1617346287 the art of tango
1617346287 the art of tango

The Art of Tango offers a systematic exploration of the performance, arrangement and composition of the universally popular tango. The author discusses traditional practices, the De Caro school and the pioneering oeuvre of four celebrated innovators: Pugliese, Salgán, Piazzolla and Beytelmann.

With an in-depth focus on both reception and practice, the volume and its companion website featuring supplementary audio-visual materials analyse, decode, compare and discuss literature, scores and recordings to provide a deeper understanding of tango’s artistic concepts, characteristics and techniques. River Plate tango is explored through the lens of artistic research, combining the study of oral traditions and written sources. In addition to a detailed examination of the various approaches to tango by the musicians featured in this book, three compositions by the author embodying creative applications of the research findings are discussed. The volume offers numerous tools for developing skills in practice, inspiring new musical output and the continuation of research endeavours in the field.

Illustrating the many possibilities of this musical language that has captivated musicians and audiences worldwide, this book is a valuable resource for everyone with an interest in tango, whether they be composers, performers, arrangers, teachers, music lovers or scholars in the field of popular music studies.

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Barbara Varassi Pega


Creating and re-creating tangos: Artistic processes and innovations in music by Pugliese, Salgán, Piazzolla and Beytelmann


In dit onderzoek heeft Barbara Varassi Pega zich verdiept in de samenstellende delen van de zg. ‘River Plate-tango’ teneinde de sleutel te vinden voor het antwoord op de vraag hoe het specifieke muzikale materiaal ervan is georganiseerd en gecombineerd in het werk van vier protagonisten in dit genre: Osvaldo Pugliese…