Geplaatst op 14 nov. 2017
Music, and the arts in general, has always been a source of inspiration in times of crisis; it establishes rapport between peoples and cultures and serves as a laboratory for the creation and expression of cultural values.
Dissolving Borders invites proposals that will investigate and problematize how musicians create political spaces that transcend demarcated space and culture, on scales both global and local, macro and micro. We seek work that engages with the complex realities of inter-cultural contact, including issues of migration, communication, integration, acceptance, and symbiosis. As the world experiences radical displacement during an era of unprecedented enforcement of borders, we seek earnest engagements with the vibrant history of music’s entanglement with these issues. Looking to past musics, musicians, and scholarship, we encourage imaginations of music’s current and future role as a cultural and political agent.
These issues are new neither to the world nor to music and the arts. To this end, we equally invite work that explores the long and complex histories of music’s role in this cultural sphere and also engagements with 21st-century realities. We welcome proposals from any musical discipline, including paper presentations, performances, lecture-performances, workshops, and on-site collaborations, and in particular proposals that engage with practices of artistic research. We hope to promote recognition of music’s unique ability to facilitate the dissolution of borders.
Keynote speakers:
Jordi Savall – conductor, gambist, composer, ensembles Hespèrion XXI and Orpheus XXI
Prof. Dr. Jin-Ah Kim – Hankuk University, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
docARTES PhD students started in 2016:
Siamak Anvari
Elizabeth Dobbin
Kevin Fairbairn
Max Haft
Don-Paul Kahl
Ned McGowan
Adrien Pièce