Doctoraatsverdediging Claire Genewein

Geplaatst op 11 jun. 2014

11 juni 2014 (15.00)
Academiegebouw, Rapenburg 73, Leiden, Nederland

Claire Genewein verdedigde op 11 juni 2014 haar doctoraatsthesis Vokales Instrumentalspiel in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts voor de doctoraatscommissie en het aanwezige publiek.

Ze beschrijft haar onderzoek als volgt:

The performance practice of Italian instrumental music in relation to vocal music and text: Sources and their modern realization.

In my work I have shown that in the second half of the 18th century in Italy, one prepared instrumental music for performance with the help of texts. Central to this work is a treatise by Benvenuto Robbio Conte di San Raffaele stemming from the circle around Giuseppe Tartini which demonstrates the various steps of learning instrumental music through text underlay. Based on this, I could show how in various genres (solfeggi, recitatives, arias) numerous composers (Domenico Corri, Francesco Geminiani, Guiseppe Tartini) used texts and singing in preparing instrumental music for performance.

The influence of this sort of “vocal” preparation on the interpretation of instrumental music has proved itself to be very fruitful in my own playing as well as in my work with students.