
Niels Berentsen

1413278837 niels
Gestart in: 2011
Einddatum: 2016
Type musicus: componist, zang
Universiteit: Universiteit Leiden
Nationaliteit: The Netherlands

Niels Berentsen (1987) studied composition with Cornelis de Bondt and singing with Barbara Pearson at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague. He participated in master classes of acclaimed early music performers such as Evelyn Tubb, Marcel Pérez, Eric Mentzel, Corina Marti, Peter van Heyghen and Jill Feldman. Niels is a member of the Ascoli Ensemble, dedicated to the performance of little-known Ars Nova music, and performs repertoires ranging from medieval to contemporary. Besides his activities as a performer he teaches historical ear training and improvisation at the Royal Conservatoire.

His docARTES doctoral defense took place on December 14, 2016 at Leiden University.


Discantare Super Planum Cantum: New Approaches to Vocal Polyphonic Improvisation 1300-1470.


Today’s performances of medieval polyphony have a lot in common with those of other ‘classical’ or ‘early’ music. Ensembles perform pieces written by known or lesser known composers, which the listener can revisit by listening to recordings or reading a score.