Materialization of Fixed Media Music: Towards Performance/Interpretation of Fixed Media Electroacoustic Music.

This research essentially concentrates on the realization of fixed media electroacoustic music into aural reality, dealing with issues such as performance, interpretation, reproduction and correlation between compositional aesthetics and the performance situation. Consequently, the critical parameters (artistic and technical) of bringing a piece of fixed media music into sonic reality will be investigated.
1477039211 siamak anvari

Siamak Anvari

Trefwoorden: performance, interpretation, fixed media music, materialization, reproduction
Looptijd: Gestart in 2016
Periode: 21ste eeuwse muziek
Type musicus: componist
Universiteit: Universiteit Leiden

Siamak Anvari investigates how fixed media music has been presented in both past and current practice, especially regarding the influence of technological advances in sound reproduction systems. On the other hand, the impact of presentation circumstances on development of compositional aesthetics in fixed media music will also be investigated.