The Computer-Aided Composer

Andrea Agostini

componist, toetsen, electronica

The term “Computer-Aided Composition” is usually associated with an established set of practices that have not undergone radical rethinking since the 1980s or ‘90s. Over the last decades, the way composers leverage computer technology has changed radically, but there has not been a systematisation of these novel approaches. As a first, direct consequence, composers find themselves constrained to less-than-optimal toolsets, often made up of various programs that are somehow hacked into working together. Even more importantly, new approaches to technology foster new kinds of musical expression: for example, the role of self-recording and remote collaboration is pervasive today, in ways that were unimaginable a few decades ago. The artistic research project I am submitting aims to investigate the need for new tools and the potential they may unleash from the point of view of a composer with an ample, unorthodox vision and a strong aptitude for technology