The Informed Performer: Towards a Bio-Culturally informed Performers’ Practice.

This project investigates how the field of instrumental practice can extend its epistemic horizon into a broader field of bio-cultural inquiry.
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Joost Vanmaele

This research-project zooms in on the potential impact of extra-disciplinary research output on musical practice in general and the performance of composed music in particular. Although technological advances in our information age and renewed institutional architectures of the higher education area in recent decades have been rather generous in facilitating access to an abundant amount of information, musical practice still seems to be reluctant (or unable) to meet the challenge of practically engaging with knowledge and insights generated by an extensive field of academic and para-academic enquiry. The grounds for such a state of affairs seem to be both of an ideological-epistemic nature as well as of a more practical and operational kind.

In the dissertation a number of these systemic bottlenecks will be discussed and a way forward will be proposed under the heading of a bio-culturally inspired performance practice of Western Art Music.

Prof. Frans de Ruiter (promotor), Guy Outryve d'Ydewalle (co-promotor), dr. Luk Vaes (co-promotor)