

This research will be done from the performers’ perspective, but in collaboration with different composers for experimenting new amplified piano / pianist music.
This research aims to capture notions of musical time such as rhythm and tempo as they were conceived in late eighteenth-century, and how these evolved through the nineteenth century.
The research is focused on the development of the interaction between a live coder and an acoustic musician with focus on the pianist in particular.
This artistic research project exposes Robert Mitchell's attempts to layer musical materials from the core of the classical piano repertoire - in this case, materials from scores and sketches of…
This dissertation theorises expressive divergence by examining the embodiment of single voices through the hierarchical structuring of coarticulation, and by showing how these multi-layered gestures…
Although the space for creativity in regard to performance in improvised music is generally assumed to be greater than e.g. in classical music, I would argue it is restricted in many ways. The aim of…
In dit onderzoek heeft Barbara Varassi Pega zich verdiept in de samenstellende delen van de zg. ‘River Plate-tango’ teneinde de sleutel te vinden voor het antwoord op de vraag hoe het specifieke…
This research will focus on the relationship between the musical structure and musical time in the performance of 19th century music.
Hoewel opnames uit het begin van de 20e eeuw doorgaans worden beschouwd als waardevolle sporendragers van de uitvoeringsstijl van de laatromantische periode, zijn ze moeilijk te rijmen met de huidige…