
Mark van Tongeren

Gestart in: 2005
Einddatum: 2013
Type musicus: zang, andere
Universiteit: Universiteit Leiden
Persoonlijke website:
Nationaliteit: The Netherlands

Mark van Tongeren is a sound explorer and performance artist with a PhD in artistic research from Leiden University. He did ground-breaking research and vocal experiments in the field of overtone singing, which he began studying around 1990. He feels equally at home ‘in the field’ to study and practice indigenous vocal techniques, as in experimental performance art, using voice, small instruments and/or electronics.

He received his M.A. in ethnomusicology from the University of Amsterdam and has taught world music at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. His PhD from the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts at Leiden University explores the boundaries of science and art and is entitled Thresholds of the Audible: about the Polyphony of the Body.

His docARTES doctoral defense took place on March 13, 2013 at Leiden University.


Grenzen van het Hoorbare: Over de Meerstemmigheid van het Lichaam.


Grenzen van het hoorbare vangt aan met de omslag in de vokale muziek die luisteraars gedurende de laatste vijf decennia in staat stelt om harmonischen als schijnbaar afzonderlijke muzikale objecten te beschouwen, met behulp van de techniek van het boventoonzingen. De vrijwel totale afwezigheid van dit idee in Europese…