Research projects


'Fare Musica Antica (Ebraica) reinventing a usable past' is a research project centered on Jewish poems from Italian sources, and their relation to extant repertoire: both notated music from Early…
This research aims to capture notions of musical time such as rhythm and tempo as they were conceived in late eighteenth-century, and how these evolved through the nineteenth century.
This project investigates what the philosophical en practical consequences are of a reappraisal of the 17th-and 18th-century concept of taste when it comes to general and historical performance…
The limitations of the electric guitar are also the limitations for the composer. Registers, spectrum, resonance, decay: all musical parameters are questioned in the search for a new and unheard…
Daniela's research concerned the composition of instrumental music implemented with a specific use of contact-piezo microphones.
Marco Fusi investigated the complex creative process of Giacinto Scelsi, looking for interpretative suggestions residing within his artefacts. The subject of analysis was Scelsi's opus for strings.
The principal aim of this research is to explore the confrontation between voice and electronics.
This study aims to explore problems, which may be summarized under historicity and idiosyncrasy, whereby Prach draws on his double experience as a fortepianist and a composer.
A comprehensive guide on how to achieve convincing and credible transcriptions and informed interpretations of Johann Sebastian Bach's music on guitar.
This research project is mainly focused on how to reconstruct the middle parts (videlicet haute-contres, tailles and quintes) from French orchestral pieces, which survived only in their reduced forms…
Kevin Toksöz Fairbairn performs contemporary repertoire distinguished by physically decoupled notations or physical polyphonic notations, a unique and relatively recent trend in musical notation that…
The speed of rhythms in live acoustic music, literally the velocity at which notes are sounding, can be defined in absolute terms based on clock time. But there is also the perceived speed that, in…