Research projects


The source and target domain of this research project is situated at the crossroads of composition, performance and education. The idea of this investigation is to develop field research on the…
This research focusses on site-specific compositional and performance practices of music for organ and electronics and their musical-spatial values.
'Early Music Beyond authenticity' proposes a new historical mode for Early Music wherein curation, editing, and performance are identified as fundamentally creative activities
This study aims to explore problems, which may be summarized under historicity and idiosyncrasy, whereby Prach draws on his double experience as a fortepianist and a composer.
Giuliano's research concerns the practice of transcribing – i.e. rewriting musical works from the past – in the context of contemporary music today.
The main aim of this research project is to investigate the phonetic relations between vocal/electronic music and linguistics in the second half of the twentieth century.
Aiming to enhance inspiration in improvisation and composition in contemporary modal music, through and towards her artistic practice, this research will first explore in-depth aspects of…
My research topic is rhythm and rhythm notation in Western research, music theory, and practice. The research aims to investigate the role music notation held in shaping time, i.e. how musical…
In this project, Rohana aims to further develop and enrich his improvisation and composition skills and techniques, and to develop a framework to continually expand his performance repertoire.
Music performance with technological instruments questions the relationship between embodied experience, situated cognition and the instrument. Key elements that constitute a present, aware and…
Today’s performances of medieval polyphony have a lot in common with those of other ‘classical’ or ‘early’ music. Ensembles perform pieces written by known or lesser known composers, which the…