Research projects


The goal of my research is to contribute to the variety of existing jazz idioms by expanding jazz languages with methods derived from twentieth century composers of “new music”. I will do this by…
Barbara Varassi Pega digs into the constituent elements of River Plate tango in order to decode how specific musical materials were organized and combined by four outstanding musicians: Osvaldo…
The aesthetic universe of an artist is his or her world of aesthetic thought and knowledge. This aesthetic universe may have its own ‘endophysical laws’. The present doctoral research in the arts…
Although the guitar has been part of the classical music tradition for centuries, writing for the guitar remains a formidable challenge for many composers. Where orchestral instruments have a long…
This is the first monographic study on harp pedal techniques, tracing the historical way to pedal on the early pedal harps with a single-action pedal mechanism, the “harpe organisée”, the term used…
Clerc's dissertation explores various perspectives on the term immersion, and its relation with, and transformation through, a composer’s practice. Immersion is presented as a key…
The present examination of Paisiello’s pedagogical work is based primarily on two sources: the Regole, printed in 1782 in St. Petersburg, as well as the autograph manuscript, and forty-one…
Though they are generally regarded as invaluable traces of late-Romantic style, early twentieth-century recordings make for uncomfortable bedfellows with modern norms for the performance of certain…
This dissertation explores sound, its image and its role in relating humans and our technologies to the environment.
This research offers multiple paths towards the development of a performance practice in computer music. Some of the questions posed are the following: What is the role of the performer in…
In dit onderzoek wordt de muzikale interacties tussen de muziekleraar en de leerlingen in het secundair onderwijs bestudeerd. Aan de basis van de studie ligt de volgende onderzoeksvraag: in hoeverre…